Ludovic Toison
Head of Engineering
NFQ Asia
Passionate about computers from the very beginning, Ludovic programmed his first website at 12 years old and never stopped coding since. After having implemented distributed systems in Java, he became interested in deploying and operating these systems in production with a particular emphasis on observability. Ludovic has been working for several years as a Technical Architect to support organizations in adopting Cloud Native technologies such as Mesos/Marathon, Kubernetes, and Istio. He is now leading an organization of 260 engineers spread over 4 countries as Head of Engineering.
Our journey from Gitflow to Trunk Based Development
11:10 - 12:00
Intermediate knowledge audience
Join us for an insightful discussion on our transition from Gitflow to Trunk Based Development. After years of practicing Gitflow, we recently adopted a Trunk Based Development branching strategy. In this session, we’ll introduce both branching strategies and explain our decision to shift to Trunk Based Development. We’ll also share our migration plan and the lessons learned during this strategic change. Finally, we’ll summarize how this new branching paradigm has helped us deliver better releases.